The Value Mapping Tool was developed to assist in ‘sustainable business modelling’ – the process of inventing new sustainable business model ideas.
The process of using the tool, and the terminology of value captured, value missed, value destroyed and new value opportunities were introduced in the first journal paper and earlier conference paper about the value mapping tool. By first considering the value captured, value missed and value destroyed from the perspective of multiple stakeholders, the failed value exchanges in existing business models can be identified. “Environment” and “Society” analogous to the work by Stubbs and Cocklin (2008) are necessary stakeholders in the value mapping tool, next to the more familiar ones such as customers, the government and suppliers. The business is split up into its key stakeholders: employees and investors/ shareholders. Only after considering the value captured, missed and destroyed from these multiple stakeholder perspectives, new value opportunities should be sought that resolve failed value exchanges and create new forms of value through business model innovation. In this way, more value can be created for the whole value network, not only the firm and its customers.
Since its development the value mapping tool has been used by researchers and people in businesses around the world, which has led to various translations. This post shares some of these.
Because of multiple requests for advice, the brief guide with prompt questions for facilitation of workshops using the value mapping mentioned in the first journal paper can be found here:
- guide-for-facilitators_vm-tool_english (English version)
Other languages
Courtesy of researcher Ignacio Pavez the guide is now also translated into Spanish:
- guide-for-facilitators_vm-tool_spanish (Spanish version)
Courtesy of Dr Benjamin Tyl, the tool itself is now translated in French and the figure can be found below.
The document guideline-value-mapping-tool-fiche-ti-1446 also developed by Benjamin includes an in-depth guide for practitioners in French with various new ideas. It is structured according to: The workshop process (split into 3 sessions); Advice; FAQ; and Next steps.
Thanks for sharing your translated versions!
Happy Value Mapping!
- Bocken, N., Short, S., Rana, P., Evans, S. 2013. A value mapping tool for sustainable business modelling. Corporate Governance, 13 (5), 482 – 497
- Bocken, N., Rana, P., Short, S.W. 2015. Value mapping for sustainable business thinking. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 32 (1), 67-8
- Geißdörfer, M., Bocken, N.M.P., Hultink, E. 2016. Design thinking to enhance the sustainable business modelling process – a workshop based on a value mapping process, Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 1218–1232.
- Short, S., Rana, P., Bocken, N., Evans, S. 2012. Embedding sustainability in business modelling through multi-stakeholder value innovation. APMS 2012 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, 24-26 Sep., 2012, Greece.
- Stubbs, W., & Cocklin, C. (2008). Conceptualizing a “sustainability business model”. Organization & Environment, 21(2), 103-127.
- Tyl, Benjamin. Développer vos concepts éco-innovants à l’aide du Value Mapping Tool. 32 déc 2014